What do you have to create a grid in Collect Earth?

asked 18 Apr '23, 15:22

Dodou's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

To perform a Collect Earth assessment over a region you need two basic ingredients :

  1. A Collect Earth survey ( which is built through a different tool called Collect ( https://openforis.org/collect ) using the Collect Survey Designer : here is a video explaining how to do it, it is a bit old so the interface has changed a bit but the concepts are the same )

  2. A Sampling Design, meaning the grid of plots where the data will be collected. There are many ways to do that, the easiest of them would be using a Google Earth Engine tool called Grid Generator that lets you build the grid easily setting some parameters. See this video for more info : USING THE COLLECT EARTH GRID GENERATOR . Of course there are many ways to do the sampling design, systematic, random, stratified and a myriad others. For a simple survey you can start with a systematic sample over your area of interest.

Once you have the CSV file with your plots it can be included in the Collect Earth survey project file (*.CEP) and then you can start collecting data in the plot locations.

I am not sure if I have answered your question, if not please describe your issue with some more context.

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answered 18 Apr '23, 16:55

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

edited 18 Apr '23, 17:06

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question asked: 18 Apr '23, 15:22

question was seen: 7,226 times

last updated: 18 Apr '23, 17:06