Hi all,

I am trying to use the Collect Earth desktop software to create training data sample plots for a supervised classification.

I am having a hard time understanding how to begin setting this up through Google Earth Pro as it appears that the training manual is out of date (referring to Google Fusion tables which are defunct since 2019). To note, we don't want to use the Collect Earth Online platform if that requires all of our information to be public. It looks like the online service has been built out further, so I am also wondering if the desktop tool is still a viable choice?

Thank you, Natalie

asked 12 Nov '24, 21:47

Natalie_SQ's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Natalie,

Collect Earth desktop ( https://openforis.org/) is fully functional and updated (latest version is from just last month). While it is true that it has been difficult to keep our documentation updated in the last years (apologies for the very outdated reference to Fusion tables) you can find guidance using this GPT: Collect Earth Assistant

Important to note when you start designing surveys for Collect Earth is that you should design this surveys through another Open Foris product called Collect (survey designer) : https://openforis.org/solutions/collect/

Once you download and install Collect you can start it and go to the survey Designer -> New Survey . There it is important to use the template called Collect Earth, if you are going to do a Land Use assessment use the Collect Earth + IPCC template which already gives you a very good starting point to have a working survey with complex validation rules prepared to assess Land Use changes using the IPCC schema ( 6 common Land Use categories and then any Land Use Subdivisions relevant to the assessment under the categories )

Finally, there is a a Google Earth Engine app that helps you to design a grid that is already compatible with a Collect Earth survey. You can access it here, there are videos on how to use it although it is pretty self-explanatory. https://collectearth.users.earthengine.app/view/collect-earth-grid-generator

In any case thank you for reminding us to update the documentation, we will put it high in our TO-DO list!

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answered 13 Nov '24, 12:53

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Thank you for the response, I'll use the Collect Earth Assistant GPT. And also very helpful to link to the other items to get started.

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answered 20 Nov '24, 14:09

Natalie_SQ's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Consider that the GPT is something we are experimenting now with and sometimes is not giving the right answers.

When in doubt ask here again, we monitor the forum continuously.

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answered 20 Nov '24, 14:14

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 12 Nov '24, 21:47

question was seen: 367 times

last updated: 20 Nov '24, 14:14