Recently updated Collect Earth to v 1.21.8 and noticed that sometimes, the Google Earth Engine (GEE) application (no sign-in) loads an additional widget that shows the temporal segmentation output from Continuous Change Detection and Classification (CCDC) on the Normalized Difference Fraction Index (NDFI).

This is a great additional feature that supported the validation, but it only shows in a minority of cases. I am curious to know what affects when it shows up. Does the spatial resolution of the sample assessment unit matter? Does it only show when there are enough valid observations across the Landsat archive?

Are there any resources that I can refer to know more about how CCDC is parameterized for use in Collect Earth (e.g., segmentation parameters)? I wasn't able to find any, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

asked 6 hours ago

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question asked: 6 hours ago

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last updated: 6 hours ago