Dear all

I having a problem with Collect Earth using windows 10, when i click on the survey plot there will be three internet browsers appear, instead of loading the google earth engine and bingmaps but its open 3 command windows as show in the picture below

alt text

If anyone facing this problem before please tell me how to solve it Thanks

asked 03 Feb '16, 04:16

Somphavy's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Dear Somphavy,

It appears that Collect Earth is not able to find the Google Chrome executable. It seems to be searching for it under C:\Users\JIC\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe but for some reason it is not available there.

You have two possible ways of fixing this issue.

  1. Try to locate the chrome.exe file in your system ( according to this the location of chrome.exe in Windows 10 might be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Application\chrome.exe") and the set the path to the chrome.exe file using the Tools->Properties dialog

  2. Change the default browser to Firefox (both settings are specified in the same tab of the properties dialog ):

alt text

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answered 03 Feb '16, 12:18

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

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question asked: 03 Feb '16, 04:16

question was seen: 4,541 times

last updated: 03 Feb '16, 12:18