Dear Openforis team:

I have developed a survey based on your Collect earth +IPCC. I just added some new vegetation categories (in Current Land Use Sub-Division tab). Besides, I also added an additional tab with new codes. The display of the survey is ok when using it with google earth and there is no error when clicking in the different tabs. However. when everything is filled and I click send, the following error is displayed:

collect_code_soil : Invalid code collect_code_climate : Invalid code collect_code_ecological_zone : Invalid code

None of this codes have been displayed while filling in the survey, could you help me with this?

Thank you very much


asked 04 Aug '16, 11:50

pablo_martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Pablo,

Can you send a Dropbox link to the survey .cep file??

Most likely this has to do with the soil, climate and ecological_zone attributes in the survey (look in the IPCC tab) that are set as "From CSV" meaning that the values of these attributes come from the sampling design (the CSV file with the plot locations) rather than the users having to fill this data.

You can try removing those attributes from your survey if you are not thinking of using them!

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answered 04 Aug '16, 16:20

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

Dear Openforis team:

Thanks for your answer, I just removed the tick from the box (from CSV) and now I can fill in the info by hand. I will see how it works from now on, but at least it allows me to finish each plot.

Thanks again!!!



permanent link

answered 08 Aug '16, 11:24

pablo_martin's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 04 Aug '16, 11:50

question was seen: 4,927 times

last updated: 08 Aug '16, 11:24