Hi CE users,

I couldn't find the answer in the forum, so I am asking.

When you setup a CollectEarth project in Collect, you can insert your Bing Maps Key.

But when other users will try to use that project, they will get an error message like "Credentials invalid, you can sign up for free developer account".

Is there a way for a CE user to change the Bing Map key (so that it fits the users own key) while working on a project ?

If not, what is the solution to that ? Should all user go into Collect and modify the CEP ? THanks in advance for the help Rémi

asked 29 Aug '16, 18:18

lecrabe's gravatar image

lecrabe ♦
accept rate: 5%

Hi Remi,

Basically you need to change the survey in the Survey Designer and set the new Bing Maps key there.

You find this field on the bottom of the main tab of the survey editor. You will need to get a new key in the link on the icon right of the bing key field.

Afterwards, export to CEP again and it should work!!

permanent link

answered 30 Aug '16, 03:49

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

Hi there,

Thanks for the answer.

So it means that a user to Collect Earth also has to go into Collect/Survey Designer to fine-tune its project if the user wants to use Bing Maps. I think this hinders the use of Bing Maps in Collect Earth.

I agree it is not complicated but it still means that you have to install both Collect and Collect Earth if you want to use it properly.

Could it not be easier to have the possibily to edit the Bing Maps Key directly into the Options/Properties interface ? The same way each user edits her/his name ?

Let know!

(30 Aug '16, 10:33) lecrabe ♦ lecrabe's gravatar image
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question asked: 29 Aug '16, 18:18

question was seen: 5,211 times

last updated: 30 Aug '16, 10:33