
I tried to install CE on Ubuntu 16.04, 64 bits version. Unfortunately, no debian package is provided, so installation is a little tricky. Steps I made so far:

  1. make the collect-earth-installer-1.4.0-linux.run executable (right click Properties -> Permissions)

  2. In terminal, 'cd' to the directory containing the installer, then run :

  3. List item


  4. Follow instructions, ok yes etc

  5. First error was: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError libsplashscreen.so: libX11.so.6: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

  6. The problem is that the required library (libx11-6) is already installed on the computer! The issue is that CE is probably looking at the wrong place, expecting a 32 bits library. A simple fix is to install also the 32 bits version:

  7. List item

    sudo apt-get install libx11-6:i386

  8. I had to repeat these steps for 5 packages (libxrender1:i386, libxext6:i386, libx11-6:i386, libxtst6:i386, libxi6:i386)

  9. Then it finally ran!

The issue I have now is a message a startup: "The KMZ file cannot be open". Furthermore, nothing special happens in google earth, or alternatively, google earth is not launched.

What is this "The KMZ file cannot be open" message? Thanks!

asked 01 Nov '16, 23:01

Matti's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

First of all, sorry for the problems with the Linux installation. We should have pointed out that the Collect Earth version for Linux is for 32 bits systems. The 64 bits version should be out but we kind of forgot about it...

The KMZ cannot be open message happens when the OS has no specific mime-type binding for KMZ files.

In Windows you should just find a KMZ file and right click on it then click Open With... and choose the application you want to use in order to open the file. This should be Google Earth or Google Earth Pro depending on what you have installed.

If you are using Linux then you can use this method : ASK UBUNTU POST

When Collect Earth starts it tries to open a KMZ file that it automatically generates and that contains the plots. This KMZ file (in Linux) should be located here:

~/CollectEarth/generated/loadApp.kml and ~/CollectEarth/generated/gePlugin.kmz

Make sure that both file types (KML and KMZ) are set to be open by default though Google Earth!

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answered 02 Nov '16, 12:12

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

Thanks for the answer!

Mmh, both files are set to run by default with google-earth indeed... not sure what the issue is then?

PS: I notice also that CE creates a different folder ~/CollectEarth/generated although I've set ~/Apps/OpenForis/CollectEarth in the installer? I've copied that ~/CollectEarth/generated into ~/Apps/OpenForis/CollectEarth but didn't help either.


(02 Nov '16, 22:34) Matti Matti's gravatar image

Collect Earth installation folder is different from its "data" folder. This is common to many applications.

In the case of the Linux version all of the data that is actually used by Collect Earth is stored under the user directory : ~/CollectEarth , in Windows it is stored also in a User folder C:/Users/USER_NAME/AppData/Roaming/CollectEarth

So, trying to fix your issue.... If you run Collect Earth. Just leave it on. Then open ~/CollectEarth/generated/loadApp.kml does it work?? That is basically what collect Earth tries to do and is failling to; to open that file which in ts turn opens the gePlugin.kmz file through a NetworkLink. If this opens Google Earth and shows you the plots then we can figure out the problem a bit better.

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answered 02 Nov '16, 23:04

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

This does work indeed, in the sense I can see the plots layer on GE. What is supposed to happen on the CE side? Thanks!

(03 Nov '16, 01:27) Matti Matti's gravatar image

So looking a bit more into it it seems that the OpenJDK that comes installed with Ubuntu is " taking over" from the JRE that is installed together with Collect Earth (Oracle JDK 1.8)

The OpenJDK does not support the Desktop pachage used for issuing the open the KML file.

I will fix this problem by producing a Linux 64 and 32 separate installers.

In the meantime you can try to run Collect Earth and force the KML to be open by doing it automatically.

Thanks for the patience.

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answered 04 Nov '16, 00:34

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%


We have a version available from the website for Linux 32 and another for Linux 64 (starting with version 1.4.3 )!

This way there should be no problems having to install the separate libraries with 32 support in 64 machines!!

Sorry that we didn't do this before!

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answered 08 Nov '16, 23:48

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 01 Nov '16, 23:01

question was seen: 5,293 times

last updated: 08 Nov '16, 23:48