
We have in-house experience with ODK but I am wondering if we shouldn't use CollectMobile as we are working with Collect Earth. One key argument for using CM would be that the survey designed for Collect Earth can be directly imported in CollectMobile, and conversely.



asked 18 Nov '16, 15:32

flandsberg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi Florence,

Ideally the surveys from Collect Earth can be imported into Collect Mobile, but the kind of data you can collect from one or the other are very different...what would your use case be?

/Collect Earth team

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answered 21 Nov '16, 09:49

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%


I am not sure from your answer whether the survey from CE can be imported in CM (because of the "ideally"). It seems that it does not work to import the surveys developed for CM in CE, right?

I see two uses for now: to have some field data to ground-truth the LULC classification and test whether we can identify some physical measures of restoration (e.g., like terraces) from high-resolution images.

If I can create the cards for one application and then import it in the other, it would be much more efficient as I might end up with very similar (if not identical) cards for Collect Earth and Collect Mobile.



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answered 21 Nov '16, 21:48

flandsberg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 18 Nov '16, 15:32

question was seen: 3,301 times

last updated: 21 Nov '16, 21:48