Dear OF team,

I am conducting a survey with a very large number of plots but with just very few variables to validate (mainly it is just one variable: forest or no forest, and only if there was a change to a previous inventory more variables need to be set) Now in general it is quite comfortable to do the survey with collect earth, however to decide if the plot is forest or not just takes a second in most cases. It takes longer to click in the plot, click the "forest" field, probably "next", "send", "ok".

The ideal solution in my case would be to implement the possibility of optional hotkeys for certain survey variables. e.g. "f" for forest "n" for not forest in my case. Additionally "Enter" would function as "next" and "send". If then collect earth would not only jump to the next plot location but also pop up the survey form it would be possible to work entirely with the keyboard.

As you see it is more a wish than a question or problem. Thanks

asked 23 Nov '16, 09:28

jesnw's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thank you for your feedback! Although this is more of a support forum we always welcome any advice that might help use to improve our tools :)

We will try to implement this functionality in the coming versions of Collect Earth, as in fact the hotkey functionality is a request for other coming projects.

We will reply this post when we launch the version that includes hotkey (shortcuts) functionality.

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answered 23 Nov '16, 10:42

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 23 Nov '16, 09:28

question was seen: 3,160 times

last updated: 23 Nov '16, 10:42