I have a moto G 3 android phone. I downloaded the collect mobile app from playstore but it crashing with the error message "Unfortunately, Collect has stopped". It doesn't even start, whether I download and use it now or 5 months later.

asked 04 Jan '17, 10:59

sandip's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

I got the same problem in Red mi note 3. The form did not worked. when I do the same in another mobile it worked well. some time when i load it from google drive same problem occurs. Sometime there might be error within the form in the building process. Did you checked it in form design phase and tested in different mobiles ?

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answered 04 Jan '17, 13:05

Rajkumar's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%


The application crashes at startup time?

Did you ever manage to start Collect Mobile from that device? If you did, this might be because of a malformed survey you imported. If so, delete all Collect Mobile files from your device and try again. Make sure to make a backup first though, if you already collected data.

If you get the option to send a crash report, please do so, and write a note describing what you where doing when it crashed. It will give me more details to work with when investigating this.


The Google Drive problems has turned out to be very difficult to track down, since it only occurs on some devices. I have just released a new version with another try to fix this issue. If you have time, I'd appreciate if you could try the Google Drive download on one of the devices where it failed, and let me know if it works.

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answered 04 Jan '17, 14:52

wiell's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

No. I never managed to start the app in my device and the survey works fine in other's devices. Initially I thought, it must me only my device but there were many in a workshop who faced the same problem. I really want to use collect mobile in my device but don't know how to fix this.

(04 Jan '17, 15:01) sandip sandip's gravatar image
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question asked: 04 Jan '17, 10:59

question was seen: 4,306 times

last updated: 04 Jan '17, 15:01