I am designing a collect mobile survey and wanted a little help. Basically, I want a set of different questions to pop up on answering one. for, ex IS there any conflict/dispute related with this land? Yes/No. If yes then classify:
I have tried the multilevel code attribute but it isn't helping. asked 05 Jan '17, 14:06 sandip Open Foris ♦♦ |
The easiest achieve this functionality is to use a Boolean attribute (“Is There a conflict…?”) and then have a code attribute ( “Type of dispute”) that is made relevant only according to the response to the Boolean attribute. So if the Boolean attribute is called conflict_present and the code attribute is called type_of_conflict then you need to set the relevance of the type_of_conflict according to conflict_present, meaning that the type of conflict will only be shown when the conflict_present Boolean value is true (when the user clicks on yes) answered 07 Jan '17, 10:21 Open Foris ♦♦ |