Hi, I am having problems when uploading my .csv file. I am getting the following message: java.lang.NullPointerException

it seems to be something to do with my 1st row... 1 = [1, "Ycoordinate", "Xcoordinate"]</html>

Any thoughts? Thanks in advance

asked 19 Apr '18, 17:41

joana%20melo's gravatar image

joana melo
accept rate: 0%

Ciao Joana,

To clarify the question a bit:

  • Where are you uploading the CSV to?

  • Can you describe exactly what steps you are following?

  • Could you send the few first lines of the CSV?

  • Could you also post the last exception messages in your log ( Collect Earth menu Help->Open Application Log File )


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answered 20 Apr '18, 12:17

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%


thanks for trying to help. I have a CSV file that follows your template "simple_ipcc_survey" which I am trying to use in Collect Earth by using the project "simple_ipcc_survey" and my CSV (by selecting the path to my CSV in the sheet "Sample data").

  • First lines of the CSV:

id,YCoordinate,XCoordinate 1,12.3893434200,-14.8949462500 2,12.3897688800,-14.8996870100

  • last exception messages in my log:

org.openforis.collect.earth.sampler.processor.AbstractPolygonKmlGenerator.getTemplateData(AbstractPolygonKmlGenerator.java:125) ~[collect-earth-sampler-1.6.27.jar:?]

In the meantime I did some random things:

  • reboot my computer (still having the same error after this);
  • select a different project (no error there);
  • select back the "simple_ipcc_survey" (still no error);
  • choose the path to my CSV (wohooo! It worked)

It seemed completely random, so I don't really know what was wrong, but the thing is it is working now. So thanks again, but I don't think you need to bother with this anymore :)

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answered 20 Apr '18, 12:41

joana%20melo's gravatar image

joana melo
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 19 Apr '18, 17:41

question was seen: 2,835 times

last updated: 20 Apr '18, 12:41