Dear all,

We have been using Collect Earth to assess tree cover and distribution. We have been using 0.5ha-plots with 49 dots inside. These dots are 2m x 2m.

By counting dots within the plot for percent tree cover, we sample within the sample. The dots cover only 49x2x2 square meters out of the 0.5 ha (less than 4%) so we are likely to substantially underestimate the percent tree cover since the dots might not touch many trees.

We are considering making the dots larger. Statistically, how do we decide what the size of these dots should be? There must be a way to statistically decide what size of dots is best?

Any thoughts? I think there should be guidance for users of Collect and CE as this has far-reaching consequences on the percent tree cover statistics.

Many thanks, Florence

asked 20 Jul '19, 10:45

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question asked: 20 Jul '19, 10:45

question was seen: 1,070 times

last updated: 20 Jul '19, 10:45