I'm new to this tool and have followed the instructions in the User Manual to create a grid of points .01x.01 and have the required fields of Elevation, Slope and Aspect. When I try to open it using Tools/Data Import/Export/Update current records using csv I get an error message indicating invalid ID values. How can I fix this?



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asked 05 Aug '19, 18:59

nmichelg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Could you post the first couple of lines of your CSV??

The ID can be any alfanumeric chain.

Also, what survey are you using? Check this other answer for more info on adapting the CSV to your survey

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answered 06 Aug '19, 10:02

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Could you post the first couple of lines of your CSV??

The ID can be any alfanumeric chain.

Also, what survey are you using? Check this other answer for more info on adapting the CSV to your survey

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answered 06 Aug '19, 10:03

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

I made my own survey to start with but I'm unable to export it so I used an IPCC survey which I was able to open in GE. But they plots are just dummy plots. I'm unclear as to how to associate my point grid with a survey. Is this done through Tools/Data/Import/Export/Update current records using csv?

The grid I generated is a .01x.01 grid as indicated in the User Manual. It isn't plots.

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ID LAT LONG ELEVATION SLOPE ASPECT 100000 1.964140391 10.0900189 16384 6.57824 115.66519 100001 1.964140391 10.1000189 -5419 2.59814 247.24902 100002 1.964140391 10.1100189 16421 10.76986 325.40771

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answered 06 Aug '19, 20:13

nmichelg's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 05 Aug '19, 18:59

question was seen: 2,113 times

last updated: 06 Aug '19, 20:13