Hi, I am using a modified Africa Deal 2019 survey where I've added additional questions. When I click on the plots, none of the browsers (Chrome or Firefox) are opening. I have tried with the path to the executable file and same result. I don't know what the problem is. Thanks for your help

asked 04 Dec '19, 22:53

Adish's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This probably have to do with you not having the latest version of Collect Earth (1.9.0) installed

Support for the latest version of the browsers is always insured in the last version we publish.

Go to the Help->update Collect Earth menu to fix the issue

permanent link

answered 05 Dec '19, 07:56

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

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question asked: 04 Dec '19, 22:53

question was seen: 2,591 times

last updated: 05 Dec '19, 07:56