Hi anyone,

How can I do this as stated in the title?

asked 23 Jan '20, 12:52

ormserdar's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


In this case what you mean is not to add an extra integration to another map viewer like it is described in the previous answer (for cases of users that have for instance a dedicated server with private ortophotos)

What you mean is that you want to add data that comes from a map, like say a soil map or an ecosystem map to your plots so that this data can be used during analaysis (or that it could be shown in the Google Earth balloon to the user while performing the analysis)

Adding data after data is collected

If you already collected the data and want to add this extra information afterwards look at this other post : https://openforis.support/questions/339/how-to-add-information-obtained-from-external-source-to-collect-earth-plots or https://openforis.support/questions/80/changing-plot-attributes-in-the-collect-earth-database

Adding data from a map when designing the survey

If you are designing a new survey, and want to add the information on (for instance) soil form a soil map ( i.e. in raster format) then you should add a new attribute in the Survey called soil and mark it as coming "From CSV" in the Collect Earth special parameters. Perhaps the best is that this attribute would be of type Code as the raster values will be numeric and then you can build the codelist with the equivalence for each soil type *i.r. 1-Clay,2-Sandy,3-Peat... and so on)

As it is rather lengthy to explain I have just uploaded a video to youtube illustrating how you add data from a shapefile to the survey, enjoy!!

Adding Ancillary data to CE Survey VIDEO

Let me know is this answers the question. Otherwise please describe the issue in depth so that we can give you the best answer.

A presto!

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answered 07 May '20, 16:03

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%


You have two options:

  1. Edit the survey through Open Foris Collect, go to the main tab and add the URL in the "Extra map URL" text box. Then export the CEP again and you are done. alt text
  2. Edit the earth.properties file in the folder where the files for Collect Earth are stored ( C:\Users*YOUR_USER*\AppData\Roaming\CollectEarth - attention AppData is a hidden folder, you can also open the folder by clicking on Tools->Open Data Folder ) and edit these line:


You should replace the URL with a meaningful one, remembering to leave the LATITUDE and LONGITUDE strings as these are the tokens that will be used by Collect Earth to replace with the central location of the CE plot.

Possible examples are :

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answered 24 Jan '20, 14:08

collectearth's gravatar image

collectearth ♦
accept rate: 17%

Can we use offline maps to be added? I want each plot to "extract" the values from the extra map. If yes, how? Thanks!

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answered 06 May '20, 17:31

adwiputra's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 23 Jan '20, 12:52

question was seen: 3,408 times

last updated: 07 May '20, 16:03