Hello! I'm having trouble generating grids through the Google Earth Engine. I want to use the polygon tool in GEE to manually select my study area. I've traced around my study area and selected my preferences for sample size etc. Then when I try to download the grid, I get this error: { "error": { "code": 500, "message": "Unable to compute table: java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /tmp/ee-TemporaryDirectory5195978795672033159/Use polygon/rectangle drawing tool (manual selection of area)_random_900.csv.csv", "status": "INTERNAL" } } Does anyone know if I'm doing anything wrong? asked 11 Mar '21, 22:56 silverbetula |
Thanks for reporting the issue. There is an error when using the "drawing tool" to select a polygon. while we fix it, please use one of the other options, selecting a country/province/district is working fine! answered 12 Mar '21, 09:50 Open Foris ♦♦ Thank you for your reply! Do you know roughly how long it will take to fix the error? (Because I need to use the polygon tool for my research project.) Thank you very much!
(12 Mar '21, 10:49)
It has been fixed now, please test! https://collectearth.users.earthengine.app/view/collect-earth-grid-generator Choose "Use polygon/rectangle drawing tool" (The rectangle and polygon icons will appear on the top-left side of the map) and select your AOI, then fill the rest of the data in the form and at the end click on the Generate Grid button. Wait a bit and on the top-right corner of the map you should get a dialog with a button that says CLICK TO DOWNLOAD THE GRID. answered 12 Mar '21, 16:00 collectearth ♦ Thank you very much for your help! It's working now!
(12 Mar '21, 20:52)