I am experiencing a problem, whenever I try to update the records in my current survey using csv, I get the following error:"Attention: Parsing error on row number1- dataManagement.csvDataImport.error.missingRequiredColumns, MISSING_REQUIRED_COLUMNS,columns{<null>} -- values {id}". To update my data, I created a csv file with the first column with the id of the plots and the following columns are related to the data that I want to update. The column names are derived from the csv file exported from Collect Earth itself. I tried editing the csv, quoting and unquoting text cells, removing some columns to try updating in separate steps, but nothing seems to work. This is the link to my survey https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rYwCtkeTFHrNBlpv_4SKRkduOLRWkth1/view?usp=sharing. Thank you in advance for any assistance

asked 07 Feb '22, 11:00

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question asked: 07 Feb '22, 11:00

question was seen: 876 times

last updated: 07 Feb '22, 11:00