Hi i have created my .cep file using collect and now trying to load it in collect earth but CollectEarth data in google earth pro is showing test plots.ced file containing 15 sample points instead of my kml points. I am facing following error while loading my kml. "javax.xml.xmlconstants/property/accessexternaldtd' is not recognized". Please help.

asked 22 Nov '22, 10:32

shahahmed's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


Normally you need to use a CSV file that contains the plot locations. The format of the CSV file must match the one that is contained by the CEP file. You can open a .cep file using WinZIP/WinRAR as this is just a compressed file. In there you find a file called test_plots.ced . This is actually a CSV file, you can open it in Excel.

If what you want to do is to import points that you have in a KML file please follow the instructions from this YouTube video (that also shows you how to generate the KML file) : https://youtu.be/cwAvGVqhS-E?t=280

Hope this helps to answer your question. Otherwise please ask again with a little more detail and links to the files that are giving you problems

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answered 22 Nov '22, 12:08

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
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question asked: 22 Nov '22, 10:32

question was seen: 794 times

last updated: 22 Nov '22, 12:08