Collect Earth was running as per normal yesterday. I was able to collect data in Google Earth and the Google Earth Engine Landsat/Sentinel composites were loading properly for each grid point.

The problem started when I changed from one grid (.csv) file to another. I selected the new grid file containing the set of points to assess, and clicked the "Save & Apply changes" button, but nothing happened. Usually, in Google Earth Pro, when any changes were made in the Collect Earth window, GE Pro would prompt whether to update the points or not, but this time, the old set of grid points remained.

I closed both Collect Earth and GE Pro, and re-opened the Collect Earth Project (.cep) file. However, this time, only Collect Earth opens, whereas GE Pro does not. I followed an older thread about GE Pro not opening and through this, GE Pro could open, but this was through the 'C:\UsersYOUR_USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\CollectEarth\generated directory' and is thus not as ideal as opening GE Pro by opening the .cep file. Also, even though I could open it, I still faced the same problem of not being able to change to another set of grid points in GE Pro.

Any idea how I can fix this? I am using the latest updated version of Collect Earth v. 1.21.8 (built 2024/12/30) - JRE v. 11.0.19

Thank you

asked 11 Mar, 07:42

EarthOrbGIS's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Your issue with Collect Earth not updating the grid points and not opening Google Earth Pro correctly seems to be related to a problem that has been reported by other users in the Open Foris support forum. Here are some possible solutions to resolve the issue:

1. MOST LIKELY : Ensure Google Earth Pro is Set as the Default KML Viewer

Collect Earth generates a KML file when you change the CSV with the grid. It then uses the default app installed in the computer to handle KML files. It might be possible that Google Earth Pro is not set any more as the default application to open KML and KMZ files, you need to make sure that it is!

Manually Set Google Earth Pro as the Default KML Viewer

Method 1: Using Windows Settings

  1. Right-click on any .kml or .kmz file on your computer.
  2. Select "Open with" -> "Choose another app".
  3. Scroll down and click "More apps" if Google Earth Pro isn't listed.
  4. Find and select Google Earth Pro.
  5. Check the box that says "Always use this app to open .kml files".
  6. Click OK.

Method 2: Using Windows Default Apps Settings

  1. Open Windows Settings (Win + I).
  2. Go to Apps -> Default Apps.
  3. Scroll down and click "Choose default apps by file type".
  4. Look for .kml and .kmz in the list.
  5. Click the current default app (if set) and choose Google Earth Pro.
  6. If Google Earth Pro is not listed, click "Look for another app on this PC" and navigate to: C:\Program Files\Google\Google Earth Pro\client\googleearth.exe
  7. Select it and click Open.

After setting Google Earth Pro as the default for KML/KMZ files, try opening your .cep project in Collect Earth again.

2. Check Antivirus & Firewall Settings

  • Some users have reported that their antivirus software or Windows Defender prevents Collect Earth from generating the KML file used to update Google Earth.
  • Try disabling your antivirus temporarily and see if that resolves the issue.
  • If it works, add an exception for CollectEarth.exe and javaw.exe in your antivirus.

3. Manually Open the KML File

  • If Google Earth Pro is not opening automatically:
    1. Open the Collect Earth work folder by clicking in Collect Earth Menu Tools -> Open Data Folder:
      alt text
    2. Go to the folder generated and double-click on loadApp.kml alt text
    3. If this works, the issue may be related to how Collect Earth is launching Google Earth Pro.

4. Reinstall Collect Earth & Google Earth Pro

5. Check Collect Earth Logs

  • Open Collect Earth and go to Help -> Open Application log file.
  • Look for any errors related to KML generation or Google Earth connection.
  • If there are errors, share them here for further troubleshooting.

Let me know if this helps or if you're still experiencing issues!

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answered 2 days ago

Open%20Foris's gravatar image

Open Foris ♦♦
accept rate: 10%

Thank you very much for the quick, extremely detailed and clear suggestions.

You were exactly right, it was most likely related to Google Earth Pro not being recognized as the default viewer. After I selected the option to always open using GE Pro, I was successfully able to change between grid CSV files.

Method 1 worked for me, so I did not try the other solutions yet. But I will definitely be saving this thread for future use in case similar issues arise.

Thank you.

(2 days ago) EarthOrbGIS EarthOrbGIS's gravatar image
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question asked: 11 Mar, 07:42

question was seen: 58 times

last updated: 2 days ago